If you have workouts that you want to track and have trouble finding apps that dont bog you down with ads and unnecessary features, look no further! LiteWeight was designed specifically to try and fill that niche. You can create workouts and add exercises to them from a list of default exercises provided by the developer, or you can create your own exercises.When working out you can mark an exercise as being done and can update the most recent weight as youre performing it. Forget how to do the exercise? No problem! Enable videos to be able to quickly view how to perform an exercise should you forget. These links can be modified if you find a better video or the if the video is removed at a later date.Restart a workout at any time to uncheck all completed exercises and to update the statistics for each workout. You are brought right back to day 1 to start it all over again.If you are just dying for others to see your workout, you can send your workout to any other LiteWeight user for free! They will receive a copy of the workout and can start using it immediately.